Waterline Lighting

Vibrant led light gems installed around the perimeter of the spa just under the waterline. Includes 3" entry/exit light. Select from a spectrum of colors using your spa controls.
Standard on Classic Series Spas
Traditional Collection Curve CollectionWaterline Plus Lighting

Vibrant light gems around the waterline synced with 3" entry/exit light with lit spa controls & water features. Select from a spectrum of colors using your spa controls or smartphone app.
Standard on Elite Series Spas
Traditional Collection Curve CollectionWaterline MAX Lighting

Vibrant light gems around the waterline synced with large 7" frosted light dome, lit spa controls, water features and air/water controls. Customize your color selection using your spa controls or smartphone app.
Standard on Luxury Series Spas
Curve CollectionChromazone

Everything is lit! Waterline, spa, all spa controls and waterline. With the Chromazone lighting package you display two colors on different spa 'zones' at one time. The very best lighting package available.
Standard on Infinity Collection
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